What Comenius has meant for me...
Our partners in Italy (from 21 March to 24 March 2011)
Comenius is an experience of cultural exchanges among foreign countries. Sure, it’s a good experience because we can improve our English, speaking with people who speaks it everyday.
Comenius promote many objectives: good education, relation with other people and particularly knowledge of different cultures.
Our school (Istituto Comprensivo di Vietri di Potenza) got some funds by the LLP agency to carry out a Comenius project with Spain, Poland and Hungary.
This project has helped me to understand how it is important to communicate with other people speaking a different language.
Of course the Comenius project consists of several exchanges: e-mails, postcards and journeys in the foreign countries. Last year we went to Hungary and to Poland and our partners came to Italy. I would like to tell you something about this coming.
Polish students were hosted in our homes and the teachers were hosted in a hotel. I had “the honour” to host a Polish girl, Martina. When the Polish kids arrived, we went to take them at the station. The kids were very tired and they went to the bed at once.The day after we got up, we dressed and my Polish friend gave me some presents: a bracelet and a very nice book on the characteristics of Poland. Then we went to school. My house is not far from the school so we went to school walking. At school I introduced the Polish girl to my friends. All the Polish kids assisted a few lessons in Italian and they taught us some Polish words. We had lunch in the school canteen. In the afternoon we organized a party to welcome our friends. We sang one of the most famous song: “Volare” of “Domenico Modugno”. Then the dancing group “IG Dance Machine” danced a hip-hop dance and the primary school sang “Imagine”, a song of “John Lennon”, finally the school of Savoia di Lucania danced a folk dance. As any deserving party there was something to eat. In fact in the school canteen our mother had arramged very long tables full of local products. Then we went home. The day after we went to Matera. When we arrived there it was rather cold but we started to visit its “Sassi” that are very ancient houses built in the rock. Our guide, who was speaking in English, brought us visiting the nicest houses, the ravine below the Sassi and a church with a lot of frescoes. We had lunch in a typical restaurant. In the afternoon we left Matera but we stopped to Metaponto to visit the temples. We spent a lot of time there and we took a lot of photos all together. It was very late and we were very tired so we went to Vietri. The next day we went to visit Savoia di Lucania and Sant’Angelo Le Fratte, two small villages nearby. In Savoia there is the branch school of Vietri and it organized the spring party. The Polish sudents planted a tree and received a gift, then they joined to the math games. After meeting the mayor of Savoia, we visited the church. Then we had lunch in the school canteen. In Sant’Angelo Le Fratte, we visited a manufacturing factory and then the church of San Michele Arcangelo. At night we had a big party in the little square of Savoia. Some students of the secondary school danced a medieval ballade wearing such ancient and magnificent customs. At the end there was a big cake decorated with the flags of each country of the project. The next day was the greetings day, the last day of the Comenius Project. So, we had a party in the monastery of Vietri. It was a very happy day, full of fun and emotions. Some mothers had arranged long tables in the courtyard of the monastery with a lot of food. After the lunch, we visited the convent inside and then everybody danced. At the end of the party we saw a football match. After the match, we came back home and in the evening we had a pizza. The next morning we woke up early and we accompained our friends near the school where they had to left. After the greetings they left and we felt alone and sad because this wonderful experience was ended.
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